Citation of the book:
Kunte, K., and N. Ravikanthachari. 2020. Butterflies of Bengaluru. Karnataka Forest Department (Research Wing), National Centre for Biological Sciences, and Indian Foundation for Butterflies, Bengaluru, India. 196 pp.

Recommended price: Rs. 550.

Download sample pages here (PDF file, 4.5 MB). Also see a note below.

Description: Butterflies of Bengaluru is a richly illustrated pictorial guide to the butterfly diversity of this Garden City. It includes images of all 179 species recorded in the city and surroundings, with pointers to their identification. It also includes information on butterfly hotspots in and around the city, and the best localities and seasons to observe each species. In addition, it provides lists of larval host and nectar plants to help butterfly-watchers not only enjoy these species in the field but perhaps also attract some of them to the little green pockets in their backyards. Thus, this book is specifically designed to help the citizens of Bengaluru to enjoy the diversity of these winged jewels while helping to conserve them by promoting butterfly-friendly habitats across the city’s green spaces.

This is a not-for-profit collaboration between the Research Wing of Karnataka Forest Department, National Centre for Biological Sciences (TIFR), and Indian Foundation for Butterflies, Bengaluru. The authors have foregone their royalties on this book. All the proceeds from this book will go to outreach, educational and research activities that focus on the biology and conservation of Indian butterflies.

Download sample pages here (PDF file, 4.5 MB). This sample is best viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent PDF reader using these two settings to see the print layout: (a) View > Page Display > Show Cover Page in Two Page View, and (b) View > Page Display > Two Page View.

You can buy your copies from these independent book sellers (these are only suggestions, we have no contract or formal engagement with these book sellers) or pick up a signed copy from Dr. Krushnamegh Kunte:

Champaca Bookstore: 7/1 Edward Road, Near Capvent Office, Bengaluru 560051. Order the book online here.
Website: Ph: +91 9353-608-989.

Gangarams Book Bureau: Church Street, Bengaluru.
Contact: +91 80 4038-3838;

Greatswan Ventures: Bengaluru. Contact Person: Subbu.
Contact: +91 9342-885-224;

For further information, contact Indian Foundation for Butterflies at +91 6362-512-292 or

Page citation

Kunte, K. 2025. BOOKS: BUTTERFLIES OF BENGALURU (2020) . In Sondhi, S., Y. Sondhi, R.P. Singh, P. Roy and K. Kunte (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. 3.82. Indian Foundation for Butterflies.