Here are links to web resources on Indian moth biology, taxonomy, conservation and education (please contact us if you know any websites, databases or other web resources that you think are appropriate for this page):


Athreya, R. Research : Moths Sphingidae of Arunachal Pradesh, North-east India Inventory and Image gallery. http://www.iiserpune.ac.in/~rathreya/MothSph/MothSphingidae.html.

Beck, J. & I.J. Kitching. The Sphingidae of Southeast-Asia (incl. New Guinea, Bismarck & Solomon Islands).
https://sphin-sea.unibas.ch/SphinSEA/SphinSEA_home.htm [accessed 3 Oct 2015]

Gilligan, T. M., J. Baixeras, & J. W. Brown. 2018. T@RTS: Online World Catalogue of the Tortricidae (Ver. 4.0). http://www.tortricid.net/catalogue.asp.

Goff, R. African Moths. http://www.africanmoths.com

Herbison-Evans, D. & S. Crossley. Caterpillars (and Butterflies and Moths) of Australia. Website http://lepidoptera.butterflyhouse.com.au/

inaturalist.org. iNaturalist.org web application at  http://www.inaturalist.org/projects/indianmoths

indiabiodiversity.org. http://indiabiodiversity.org/group/indianmoths/show?pos=2

International Barcode of Life Project. http://www.lepbarcoding.org/

jpmoth.org. Digital Moths of Asia. http://www.jpmoth.org/~dmoth/Digital_Moths_of_Asia/Moths%20of%20Asia%20frame_new.html

Khramov, P. Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera). http://lepidoptera.pro/

Kitching, I. Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory. http://sphingidae.myspecies.info/

LepIndex: an online card index from the Natural History Museum, London; a valuable peek into NHM's Lepidoptera collections index cards, with occasional additional taxonomic tidbits.

Markku Savela's online listing of the world Lepidoptera: an error-prone but quick and very useful look at taxonomic listing of the world's butterflies and moths.

Museum WITT. Virtuelle Sammlungen des Museum WITT http://www.insecta-web.org/MWM/htmls/projekte_zygaenidae_virtuell_en.html

Nuss, M., B. Landry, R. Mally, F. Vegliante, A. Tränkner, F. Bauer, J. Hayden, A. Segerer, R. Schouten, H. Li, T. Trofimova, M. A. Solis, J. De Prins & W. Speidel. 2003–2015. Global Information System on Pyraloidea. - www.pyraloidea.org

Pittaway, A.R. Saturniidae of the Western Palaearctic. http://tpittaway.tripod.com/silk/satlist.htm. [Site accessed: September 4, 2015]

Pittaway, A.R. & I.J. Kitching. Sphingidae of the Eastern Palaearctic (including Siberia, the Russian Far East, Mongolia, China, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula and Japan.). http://tpittaway.tripod.com/china/china.htm

Pucherna, Jiří. Sphingidae Museum Database'. En.sphingidae-museum.com

Ratnasingham, S. & Hebert, P. D. N. 2007. BOLD: The Barcode of Life Data System (website). www.barcodinglife.org

Savela, M. 2017. Markku Savela’s Lepidoptera and some other life forms. http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/intro.html

Whitaker, T., S. Sutton & H. Barlow. Pyralid Moths of Borneo - An illustrated guide http://www.pyralidsofborneo.org/

Zwier, J. Aganainae (Snouted tigers). http://www.aganaidae.nl/index.html

Page citation

Sondhi, S. 2025. WEB RESOURCES ON MOTHS . In Sondhi, S., Y. Sondhi, R.P. Singh, P. Roy and K. Kunte (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. 3.82. Indian Foundation for Butterflies.