This website collects natural history data voluntarily contributed by registered and authenticated users, who are requested to contribute images and associated data on Indian biodiversity through the data submission form
The biodiversity data available from this platform may be shared freely for scientific research and other purposes with research institutions and with management agencies of central and state governments responsible for biodiversity and nature conserv
Abstract: New publication: ten moth species that are new records for India are reported here as new species records for India from the eastern Himalaya and northeastern region based on museum specimens and genitalia dissections. Monema coralina, Paralbara watsoni, Phalera eminens, Phalera argenteolepis, Striatella
...Find more information about the book, download link and other details on this page dedicated for the book.
...Here is a list of moth species pages that currently have photographs of early stages (eggs, caterpillars, pupae, larval host plants, etc.), arranged in reverse chronological order, alon
Species pages are listed here in reverse chronological order. This should help users of Moths of India easily find and visit the latest species pages. Please also see list of species pages with photographs of early stages on this website.
If you are looking for species pages, search the species name in the search box in the menu bar above, and click on the dropdown options (also see below).
...Users can explore the list of curated and peer-reviewed species pages.
...Adapted from Butterflies and Moths of Pakke Tiger Reserve by Sanjay Sondhi and Krushnamegh Kunte
Content will be added soon, watch this space!
...Moth Associations: Associations of moths with other organisms.
Larval Hosts of Indian Moths: Moth-larval host plant associations.
Plant-Moth Associations: A reverse larval host plant-moth associations list.
...Attatha ino differs from Attatha regalis vide Hampson as under:
-oblique band of the forewing being quadrate from costa to median nevure in Attatha ino, where its outer edge is angled.
-apical triangular patch is wider in Attatha regalis so as to extend close to the post-medial and the margin. The opposite is mentioned in Hampson.
We are surveying moths of the super-biodiverse Siang river basin in Arunachal Pradesh. More than 700 moth species have currently been identified. At least an equal number of moth species are in the progress of being identified. The biodiversity assessment covers butterflies, moths, cicadas and odonates. Birds, too, are being surveyed, when the opportunity presents itself.
...Emperor or Silk moths are large beautiful moths, which include the largest moth in the world (by wing area)-the Atlas Moth (Attacus atlas).
The following species are missing their pages on the new website. These pages need to be created and data imported:
The following species pages are missing all data (no images imported):
...Welcome to our new contributors! With the new contributors joining, our membership has grown to over 400 contributors. This includes moth-watchers from virtually every region of India. We would like to see this membership grow a lot more in coming years.
...Coming soon ...